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Public Notifications

Below is a list of current and past advertised notifications.

Propose Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a proposed amended Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the October 16, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; providing for the amendment of the code of the Township of Lower Makefield, specifically the repeal of part II, chapter 168 "Small Wireless Facilities" and the adoption of part II, chapter 195 "Lower Makefield Township Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance"; providing for purposes and finding of fact related to the adoption of the amendment; providing for definitions; establishing certain general and specific standards relating to the location, placement, construction and maintenance of tower based wireless communications facilities, non-tower Wireless communication facilities, and small wireless communication facilities; providing further for the regulation of such facilities within the public rights-of-way and outside the public rights-of-way; providing for the establishment of certain application and annual renewal fees; providing for the enforcement and said regulations; and providing for an effective date. 

Propose Small Wireless Facilities Ordinance

Resolution #24-20 - Electoral Debt Resolution Referendum

At their meeting on July 17, 2024, the Lower Makefield Township Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution #24-20 authorizing the placement of a question on the ballot for the November 5, 2024 election asking the voters of Lower Makefield Township whether they assent to the incurrence of up to $15 million dollars of debt for purposes of financing the acquisition of interests in real property for the preservation of environmental areas and open space for passive recreational purposes and benefits within the Township. Below are links to the adopted Resolution and required advertisement.

Resolution #24-20 - Electoral Debt Resolution Referendum

Resolution #24-20 - Electoral Debt Resolution Referendum Advertisement

Proposed Short-Term Lodging Ordinance Amendment

Lower Makefield Township has advertised an Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the August 7, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Amending Chapter 130, of the Lower Makefield Township Code regarding Short-Term Lodging Facilities. 

Proposed Short-Term Lodging Ordinance Amendment

Proposed Ordinance Amending the LMT Zoning Ordinance Regarding Accessory Structures

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a new Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the August 21, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Amending Chapter 200, of the Lower Makefield Township Code of Ordinances ("Zoning") by amending section 200-69 ("Accessory uses and accessory structures"). Specifically, it deletes subsection 200-69.A.(14)(a) in its entirety and replaces it with updated location and height standards. 

Proposed Ordinance Amending the LMT Zoning Ordinance Regarding Accessory Structures

Proposed Ordinance Amending the LMT Zoning Ordinance Regarding Required Notifications to Surrounding Property Owners

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a new Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the August 21, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Amending Chapter 200, of the Lower Makefield Township Code of Ordinances ("Zoning") by amending section 200-7 ("Definitions"). to add definitions for the terms "abutting", "adjoining", "applicant", "application", and "duly filed" and update the definitions for terms "person" and "structure".  It amends Section 200-48 ("Permitted Uses") by striking seven (7) special exceptions from Subsection 200-48.B. It strikes Section 200-48.C. in its entirety and replaces it with ten (10) conditional uses.  Finally, it amends Section 200-104 ("Public Hearings") by updating the notice requirements stated in Subsection 200-104.A. 

Proposed Ordinance Amending the LMT Zoning Ordinance Regarding Required Notifications to Surrounding Property Owners

Proposed Ordinance Amending Tree Replacement Costs 

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a new Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the July 17, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Amending Chapter 178, "Subdivision and Land Development, " to modify the provisions of tree replacement and protection related to the costs per replacement tree, and to modify the process for determination of future costs for replacement trees, to repeal inconsistent provisions, and to establish severability and effective date. 

Proposed Ordinance Amending Tree Replacement Costs 

Proposed Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a new Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the June 19, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Establishing the Lower Makefield Township Human Relations Commission and Prohibiting Discrimination in Housing, Employment, Public Accommodations, and access to Educational Institutions.

Proposed Anti-Discrimination Ordinance

Proposed Ordinance Stormwater Management - Delaware River South Watershed

Lower Makefield Township has advertised an amended Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the June 19, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting.  An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Amending Chapter 173, Stormwater Management - Delaware River South Watershed, of the Township's Code of Ordinances to provide for updated standards for the control and calculation of stormwater runoff, to repeal inconsistent provisions, and to establish severability and effective date.  

Proposed Ordinance Stormwater Management - Delaware River South Watershed

Proposed Ordinance Stormwater Management - Neshaminy Creek Watershed

Lower Makefield Township has advertised an amended Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the June 19, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting.  An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Amending Chapter 174, Stormwater Management - Neshaminy Creek Watershed, of the Township's Code of Ordinances to provide for updated standards for the control and calculation of stormwater runoff, to repeal inconsistent provisions, and to establish severability and effective date.  

Proposed Ordinance Stormwater Management - Neshaminy Creek Watershed

Proposed Cable Franchise Agreement Ordinance

Lower Makefield Township has advertised an Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the May 1, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Authorizing Execution of a Cable Franchise Agreement Between the Township of Lower Makefield and Verizon Pennsylvania LLC.

Proposed Cable Franchise Agreement Ordinance

Proposed Ordinance to Amend the Definition of Open Space

Lower Makefield Township has advertised an amended Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the April 3, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting.  An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, amending chapter 200, "Zoning," and Chapter 178, "Subdivision of Land Development," to modify the definition of "Open Space" as referenced in chapter 200 and 178, to repeal inconsistent provisions, and to establish severability and effective date. 

Ordinance to Amend the Definition of Open Space

Proposed Special Events Ordinance

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a new Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the March 20, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, establishing regulations and guidelines for special events within the Township that require and need special services as provided by the Township, such as police, traffic control, special parking requirements, ambulance, fire or other emergency services.

Proposed Special Events Ordinance

Proposed Vacant and/or Foreclosed Property Ordinance

Lower Makefield Township has advertised an amended Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the March 20, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, repeals Chapter 152, Article II, Registration of Vacant Properties and replaces the repealed Chapter with a new Chapter entitled Registration of Foreclosure Mortgages and Vacant Property which the Township believes more fully addresses the negative
impact and conditions that occur as a result of vacancy, absentee owner ship and lack of compliance with existing Township regulations and laws and is in the best interests of the health, safety, and welfare of the residents.

Proposed Vacant and/or Foreclosed Property Ordinance

Proposed Fireworks Ordinance

Lower Makefield Township has advertised a new Ordinance to be considered for enactment at the January 17, 2024, Board of Supervisors meeting. An Ordinance of the Township of Lower Makefield, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, regulating the use and display of fireworks within Lower Makefield Township, repealing all inconsistent Ordinances or any part thereof; providing a severability clause; and providing an effective date.

Proposed Fireworks Ordinance