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Electricity Reliability Committee

Next Scheduled Meeting

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Name Title
John R. Kingham Chair
Bernard Griga Member
Lee R. Pedowicz Member
Jason McFarland Member
Jason Simon Member
Vacancy Member
Vacancy Member

Supervisor Liaison: James McCartney

Mission Statement

“To represent Lower Makefield Township in working to improve electrical reliability.”

Due to multi-day electric power outages in the Township, the LMT Board of Supervisors (BOS) sees the growing need for improvements to the electric-grid infrastructure within our demographic boundaries. To determine potential solutions, the BOS has established the LMT Electric Reliability Committee under the guidance and liaison of Supervisor Kristin Tyler. The mission of this new citizen committee is as follows:

  • Seek a weather-hardened electric grid with the capability to deliver highly dependable electric power with a maximum of electric uptime.
  • Develop a collaborative participation with PECO to jointly explore and develop electric grid upgrade plans and schedules of installation that will ultimately serve the best interests of PECO and the Township citizens, businesses and agencies.
  • Acquire from PECO detailed data including outage-duration, frequency of electric outages, and momentary losses of power within the Township.
  • Obtain from PECO the demographic identification of the worst performing groups of related streets within the Township.
  • Request from PECO causation and remedial efforts for all Township electric outages.
  • Additionally, explore with PECO accelerated assignment of lineman crews for repair of grid damage.

PECO Connections

  • In case of electrical outage at your home, call PECO at 1-800-841-4141.
  • In the event that you have internet access, you can obtain additional information at the PECO Outage Center. Please note the updated Outage Map, which graphically locates reported outages, the number of customers affected and service restoration plans.
  • You can sign up for text alerts on your outage by visiting
  • Useful information regarding tree maintenance can be found at Trees and Power Lines.

PECO/LMT Meeting

In August of 2015, PECO reported the completion of an upgrade plan meant to address recurring power issues within the Township.


The Electricity Reliability Committee holds In-Person meetings on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm. These times may vary, and additional meetings may be added.