
LOWER MAKEFIELD TOWNSHIP- Lower Makefield Township, home of The Official PA State 9/11 Memorial Garden of Reflection, located in Bucks County, is announcing the Ceremony timeline for the 2023 Anniversary of the September 11th attacks.

The morning Remembrance will start at 8:30 AM and conclude at 9:30AM. The Ceremony will include the reading of names of the 18 victims who resided in Bucks County.

Participants will then be invited to visit The Garden of Reflection Memorial. A bell will continue to mark the September 11, 2001 timeline, each followed by a moment of silence.


8:30 - Ceremony will begin with the toll of the bell 9 times for the 9 victims who resided in Lower Makefield Township
8:47 - Bell Toll for North Tower
9:03 - Bell Toll for South Tower
9:30 - Conclusion of Ceremony, participants invited to walk the grounds
9:37 - Bell Toll for Pentagon
9:59 - Bell Toll collapse of South Tower
10:07 - Bell Toll Flight 93 Shanksville, PA
10:28 - Bell Toll Collapse North Tower

The evening of September 11th will offer a quiet time of remembrance as the community is invited to walk the memorial on a self-guided tour.

Continuing on, the night Remembrance Ceremonies will be held every 5th-year anniversary.

The “Remembrance Fund” endowment will support the maintenance of the memorial in perpetuity. For those wishing to support The Garden and ensure its legacy, please visit and help guarantee its light will continue to overcome the darkness. Any donation over $2,500 will be displayed on Endowment Donor Plaques located in The Garden.

The Garden of Reflection living memorial is open to visitors year-round. For more information and to learn more about The Garden and its mission, please visit

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